Simple Warm-Up Exercises Before Running – Every Secret You Need To Know

Are you tired of not being able to run for long? Do you want to start running but don’t know where to begin? Well, this blog post is for you. From stretching and warming up your muscles before a workout to staying hydrated during exercise- we have the secrets that will help you finally be able to enjoy the benefits of regular workouts.

Let’s check out these simple warm-up exercises before running right away!

warm up before exercises

Should runners warm up before running? Source: The U.S. National Archives

Why Should Runners Warm Up Before Running?

Warm-up is an essential thing you need to do before running. It will increase your muscle elasticity, making it easier to run longer without feeling pressure on any part of your body.

The key to running is not all about how quickly you can start, but it’s also important that your pace be sustainable. If a person starts too fast, they risk pulling muscles or tweaking tendons, which could lead them to slow down considerably before their workout even finishes. The worst part? You’ll likely end up exhausted from working out while feeling discouraged.

It’s a good idea to always start slowly and gradually increase your speed over time. This will allow you enough energy at the end of your workout if it begins raining or otherwise becomes too difficult for outdoor activities such as running shorts. There is no chance of injury due in part to not warming up properly beforehand.

Research has shown that warming up before a run can help reduce soreness. Runners who warm up have to bear the soreness for less the day after working out than those with no pre-exercise routines or just cooling down, so it’s worth doing.

​​​​ ​​​​Girl warm up she was stretching her right hamstrings keeping her right leg straight

You should warm up before running! 

Simple Warm-Up Exercises Before Running

Just Walk

A brisk walk is a great way to warm up before starting any workout. If your workout isn’t very long, spend 3-5 minutes walking at an elevated pace, and you’ll be ready for it.

When it comes to getting into workout mode, walking may be the ideal activity. The motion takes your muscles through a range of motions similar to those found in running.

Walking helps increase your blood flow and sends the brain message that it’s time for exercise. Especially, it’s advisable for those recovering from injuries to take walking as a crucial exercise.

Walking helps increase your blood flow

Walking helps increase your blood flow.

Add Strides

Doing a slow jog will help warm-up before your race. It should take around five minutes, and you can do as many strides of 100 meters or more to get ready for the run.

To kickstart your workout, try picking up some speed! Strides flood the muscles with blood and recruit fast-twitch muscle fibers. This will make you faster when running or walking later in a set of exercises. Here’s how to do: 

  • Jog for at least two minutes – preferably more – at a slow pace.
  • Accelerate at a steady pace for 60 to 100 meters, and then slowly decelerate.
  • Next time you’re feeling tired after a long day, try taking some extra steps. It will allow your legs and hip muscles an opportunity to relax in the most natural way possible by walking around for 90 seconds afterward.
  • Then turn around and stride oppositely.
  • The more strides you take, the better. It’s a race against time.

As you stride, make sure to keep your steps short and quick. Keep your weight evenly distributed between both feet by pushing down onto it with each footstep while hinging at the hip. Therefore, no one side or limb takes more work than another.

Do Dynamic Stretches

Stretching can be a great way to prepare your body for running. In addition, dynamic stretching is much better than static because it increases blood flow and speeds up muscle relaxation, which will make you feel less tight before long runs or other intense workouts.

The dynamic warm-up will increase your running speed and endurance. There are seven stretches you can try out: 

Side Step/Shuffle

Side shuffles are a dynamic running workout that works on the lateral hip. It’s great for people who don’t like to run forever and can easily break into this short but intense form of exercise because you get all those benefits without expending tons of energy. 

When you are running, it is important to vary your speed. Walking and jogging will warm up the muscles beforehand to handle more intense exercises when called for later on in training cycles or races that last longer than 10-30 minutes but require stamina as marathons do.

Secret: Move your body with hip movements. You can use this technique to target muscle groups along the way.

Butt Kick

Our favorite dynamic stretch to do before running is the butt kick. How to proceed: 

  • Begin by spreading your legs slightly apart. 
  • Kick your heels up to your buttocks. 

As you warm-up, make sure to add speed until running in place. Always remember that it’s important for your heels to go toward the back part of your glutes.  

High Knees To Heel Kicks

The glutes, quads, and hamstrings are all activated with this cardio warm-up.

How to do:

  • Alternate between heel kicks and high knees while remaining in place or moving.
  • Maintain a strong core by keeping your chest high, back straight, and core engaged.
  • Alternate sides for another 45 to 60 seconds.

Planks Variations With Knee Drives

The triple threat is an excellent addition to any running routine and will help you work on your core, hip mobility.

How to do: 

  • Begin in a high plank position, with your feet hip-distance apart.
  • One of the most difficult positions to maintain is stability, especially when we are moving quickly. To be successful in this position, your core must remain engaged, and your hips stay neutral while driving one knee towards each elbow or pushing with both feet against an object for extra support.
  • Rep with the opposite leg. Alternate sides for another 45 to 60 seconds.

Planks variations with knee drives

Planks variations with knee drives

Thigh Stretch

When you’re feeling tight or cramped up, it is helpful to stretch the inner thigh. This can help increase flexibility and reduce muscle pain in your leg which will make workouts more enjoyable.

How to do: 

  • Face forward and stand up straight, then grip the top of your left foot with both hands for stability.
  • With the foot facing up towards your butt, slowly bring it back until you feel a stretch on both sides of your leg. Hold for around 15 seconds to release those tension.
  • Rep with the other leg.

Hip Stretch

Having strong, active glutes can reduce both knee and back injuries. By stretching the hip, we allow our bodies’ most powerful muscles-the guts or “glutes” – to turn on for improved performance in activities such as running, which also helps prevent injury.

How to do: 

  • Step your left leg up to the front so you can face forward.
  • Maintain your torso straight while bending your left leg at the knee.
  • Stretch your right hip joint by contracting your right buttock.
  • Rep with the other leg.

Glute Bridges With Knee Drives

Strengthen your posterior chain and lengthen those quads with this great exercise. It’ll improve core stability, which is necessary for an optimal running gait. 

How to do: 

  • Lie back and relax with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor.
  • Squeeze your glutes and engage the hamstrings to lift yourself off of the ground.
  • Engage your core and drive one knee to the same side. Return into a bridge, lowering yourself before repeating on opposite sides.
  • Alternate sides for another 45 to 60 seconds.

Glute bridges with knee drives

Glute bridges with knee drives! 


Whether you are an avid runner or just starting, it’s important to take care of your body before and after a run. That means warming up at least 10 minutes before the start time and cooling down for 5-10 minutes afterward. You can also try these simple warm-up exercises before running that will get your muscles ready for the run.

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